Corylopsis - Winter, Spike Fragrant Buttercup Hazel, Cowslip Bush

Origins China, Japan, Taiwan
Type Perennial (deciduous)
Hardiness Zones 5 - 9
Bloom Late Winter, Spring
Height up to 15 ft (4.5 m)

Well drained, rich, acidic soils. Sun or partial shade. Does not like drought or lime. Prune to shape in early Fall.

By seeds (sow seeds in Fall), by layering (ground one in Fall, air layering in Spring), or by tip cuttings (take these in Summer).

Fragrant blooms. Both Corylopsis pauciflora, and
Corylopsis spicata, make good bonsai material.
Winter Hazel makes perfect woodland plant. Try inter planting it with shorter woodland plants such as Bluebells, Heathers, Hostas, Azaleas, Blueberries, Snowdrops, etc., for interest and prolonged blooming season.

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Special Thanks
Special Thanks to Town & Country Gardens Contributors: Kristine Paulus / CC 2.0,dive-angel (Karin), flickr, Jasmine&Roses, Rita Crane, daughter of LIFE magazine photographer Ralph Crane. Her work can be seen on Flickr at Rita Crane Photography or on her website., TMR Davies, W.D. Williams

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