(Viola tricolor hortensis)
Other Names - Stiefmütterchen, Johnny-Jump-ups, Heart's Ease, Love-in-idleness, Viola Pansies.
Origins - Europe.
Perennial (herbaceous), often grown as annuals.
Hardiness (see References, below) - Zones 4 - 8.
Bloom - Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer.
Height - Approx. 3 in (9cm).
Cultivation - Sun, or partial shade, away from extreme exposure to heat. Humus rich soils. Fertilize during blooming season.
Propagation - By seeds.
Other - Cute blooms will cheer up, any Fall, Winter, and Spring garden. Fantastic variety of bloom colors; - many variegated, ones. Most violas will die out during hot Summer days. If you'll let them go to seed, they will easily propagate in the next growing season.Back to DECEMBER - FLORA, NOW page
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References - Find more about Hardiness Zones
Special Thanks
Special Thanks to Town & Country Gardens Contributors: blogger, bulabean, dive-angel (Karin), flickr, Jasmine&Roses, Libär, Nick Leonard, puppaluppa, Rita Crane Photography. Rita Crane, daughter of LIFE magazine photographer Ralph Crane. Her work can be seen on Flickr at Rita Crane Photography or on her website., sandlings, TMR Davies, Wikipedia, W.D. Williams