Bellis perennis - European Daisy, Day's Eye, Bruisewort

Origins Europe, the Mediterranean
Type Perennial (herbaceous)
Hardiness Zones 3 - 10
Bloom Spring, Summer, Fall
Height 2 - 3 in (5 - 7 cm)

Sun or semi-shade, well drained soils.

By seeds (sow in Spring), or by clump division (in Spring, and after flowering). Once established, it will self-propagate.

This pretty perennial (that's what Bellis perennis means), is probably one of the best liked, and most easy to recognize, meadow flowers,
particularly in Europe.
Daisy features in numerous poems, its shape inspired girl's hair accessories, bracelets, fabric, paper, and other, popular culture, designs. Daisy makes a great
name, too. Some like it for a girl, others, affectionately give it to a beloved pet (inc. author's pretty kitty, one).
Bellis perennis, has long been used in medicinal remedies, for joint pain, bruises, sore eyes, scurvy, and eczema. These days, it is studied, and considered as a possible aid in HIV therapy.
Young leaves of Daisy are edible, and could be added to salad greens.

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References - Find more about: Hardiness Zones
Special Thanks
Special Thanks to Town & Country Gardens Contributors: Karen Dorsett / CC 2.0, dive-angel (Karin), flickr, Jasmine&Roses, Rita Crane Photography. Rita Crane, daughter of LIFE magazine photographer Ralph Crane. Her work can be seen on Flickr at Rita Crane Photography or on her website., TMR Davies, W.D. Williams

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