The Money Plant
(Lunaria annua)
Other Names - Honesty, Silver Dollars, Bolbonac, Judaspenge, Judaspenning, Annual Honesty, Annual Moonwort, Honesty Plant, Money Flower, Moonwort, Silver Dollar Plant, Silver Plate, White Satin Flower, Tuinjudaspenning, Miesiącznica Roczna.
Origins - Balkan Peninsula, S. W. Asia
Type - Biennial (herbaceous).
Hardiness (see References, below) - Zones 5 - 9.
Bloom - Spring, Summer.
Fruit - Late Summer, Fall, will stay through Winter.
Height - Approx. 3 ft (90cm).
Cultivation - Full Sun to partial shade. Moist, acidic to neutral soils.
Propagation - From seeds (germinates easily).
Other - Attractive, purple blooms, and silver white, seed pods.
Will add interest for most of the year. Leaves, are edible, pick young ones, and add them to your salads.
Will attract birds, bees, and butterflies.
Seedpods make popular home, dried flower arrangements, and make great crafting material, too.
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Special Thanks
Special Thanks to Town & Country Gardens Contributors: blogger, bulabean, dive-angel (Karin), flickr, Jasmine&Roses, Rita Crane Photography. Rita Crane, daughter of LIFE magazine photographer Ralph Crane. Her work can be seen on Flickr at Rita Crane Photography or on her website., suziesparkle, TMR Davies, Wikipedia, W.D. Williams