
(Petroselinum crispum)
Origins - Southern Europe, and the Mediterranean.
Biennial (herbaceous, or semi-evergreen).
Hardiness (see References, below) - Zones 6-9 as a biennial, or in most Summer gardens, as an annual.
Bloom - Summer (in the
second year of its life).
Approx. 1 ft (30 cm).
Parsley is a Sun loving plant, but it will still grow in semi-shade. Neutral, and alkaline, well drained soils are best. Parsley is suitable to grow in containers, indoors. We grew some during Winter months under a grow-light, .
and it did very well. Outdoor grown parsley, of course is easier. Here in zone 7, planted in a nice sunny exposure, Parsley will stay green all through the Winter
Propagation - From seeds; it's easy, and can be done year round. Sow seeds as you would with propagating Basil, just remember that the best germination rate, will occur @69F, and will take about 14 days. If you like, -try this least fussy method, just let Parsley go to seed, and germinate by itself, it works just fine!
Other - Parsley's great herb to have around. It's easy to grow. Once cut, its foliage will stay fresh longer, than some other herbs. Parsley is great to eat fresh, but it also dries, and once dried, tastes great, too.
Its foliage comes curly, or flat, both just as good, really. It is also very nutritious, 1 cup of fresh, chopped foliage delivers over 100% of Vitamin A, 130% of Vitamin C, 20% of Iron and just under 10% of Calcium, not bad, and 1 cup isn't as much as it seems. Delicious Tabbouleh is loaded with Parsley and good nutrition! Parsley really is indispensable in the kitchen. It makes excellent year round garnish for any cooked meal, be it soup, stew, or mushy potatoes. All parts; roots, seeds, and foliage of Parsley are edible. Seeds are used to aid removing waste products from kidneys and inflamed joints. Just please, remember, - too much of a good thing is not necessarily good. Do not consume excessive amounts of seeds, seek professional advice, first (and always).
Parsley's essential oil is used in cosmetic products, and aromatherapy, find out more about it HERE. Ancient Greeks liked making garlands out of Parsley to decorate graves, Romans apparently did these, too, and believed they will stop them from getting too intoxicated with wine. Some people like eating Parsley's sprig after dinner, as a way of keeping their breath fresh. I like adding Parsley to fresh salads.
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References - Find more about Hardiness Zones
Special Thanks
Special Thanks to Town & Country Gardens Contributors: blogger, bulabean, dive-angel (Karin), flickr, Jasmine&Roses, OrganicFacts, Rita Crane Photography. Rita Crane, daughter of LIFE magazine photographer Ralph Crane. Her work can be seen on Flickr at Rita Crane Photography or on her website., TMR Davies, Wikipedia, W.D. Williams

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